June Emmet Fox E-Zine
Echoes of Emmet
Be Still - Emmet Fox
When things are going wrong declare constantly that you are not going to be afraid or intimidated by any outer condition. The more afraid you find yourself, the more
need is there for doing this. The most important time to say, "God is my refuge, I am not going to be afraid," is when your knees are knocking together.
The Psalmist says that though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea, and the waters roll and tremble until the very mountains themselves seem to shake,
he is not going to be afraid. The mountain, in the Bible, always means prayer, the uplifted consciousness, and this clause makes us declare that even when in the midst
of our prayers things seem to get worse, so that the very prayers themselves are all but swamped by our terror, or doubt, or despair; yet we are going to hold on
to the truth about God, knowing that even though it be after forty days, the waters will subside-if only we hold on to the thought of God. The waters, of course, are
always the human personality, and more especially the emotions. The man who wrote this, we will agree, had no small knowledge of the human heart,
its difficulties, and its needs. There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city
of God, the holy place of the tabernacles of the most High.
This is the capital
river mentioned several times in Scripture; the river of life that flows from the
throne of God.
It means the understanding of Truth that is verily the "Waters of Life"
to those who attain it. The river as a symbol is rather interesting. Primarily it
stands for purpose.
A river means purpose because it is always going somewhere. A river does not stay in one place, like a lake, or even an ocean, but is always on the way to a destination.
In this respect it is a true type of the dedicated life which every student of Divine Truth is supposed to be living. In this teaching, if it really means anything to
us, we are no longer drifting about like a log at the mercy of the tide, but are definitely headed along the pathway of understanding and freedom.
....And Please Remember ~ Mildred Mann
1. Nothing will happen to change your life until you consciously step in and start
to work with the subconscious mind. Otherwise you will continue in the same pattern
you have built up.
2. If you want to change your life, you must change the thought pattern which has
produced the unwanted condition. That pattern is in your subconscious mind.
3 . You can change the pattern in your subconscious by patient, constant reiteration
of an affirmation of Truth, provided you pack it with conviction and enthusiasm.
4. Your subconscious will accept and reproduce anything you think with feeling and
conviction, good or bad, sound or absurd.
5. The whole purpose of metaphysics is to bring you to an awareness of and contact
with the indwelling Christ. This is done through meditation - from ten to fifteen
minutes daily.
6. You can gain control of your physical, mental and emotional life if you follow
through with honesty, patience and tenacity, the steps outlined here.
There is no fear, as "perfect Love casteth out fear." Today I permit Love to keep
me in perfect harmony and peace with all levels of my world. My thoughts are loving,
kind, and harmonious. I sense my oneness with God, for "In Him I live, move, and
have my being."
I know that all my desires will be realized in perfect order. I trust the Divine
Law within me to bring my ideals to pass. "The Father doeth the works." I am divine,
spiritual, joyous, and absolutely fearless. I am now surrounded by the perfect peace
of God; it is "The peace of God which passeth all understanding." I now place all
my attention on the thing desired. I love this desire and I give it my whole-hearted
My spirit is lifted into the mood of confidence and peace; this is the spirit of
God moving in me. lt gives me a sense of peace, security, and rest. Truly, "perfect
Love casteth out fear."
Affirmation ~ Florence Scovel Shinn
I am in perfect harmony with the working of the law, for I know that Infinite Intelligence
knows nothing of obstacles, time or space. It knows only completion.
Thinking along with Nona Brooks (Divine Science)
"Every thought that we think which is dependent on that which is not of God is a transgression of the law of God. The law of God is love; every thought or deed that is unloving is sin, and is followed by suffering. Healing means blotting out sin. There are many sins; it is a sin to doubt, to fear, to criticize. The unkind thought that we think; the unkind word that we speak of another; any darkness in our attitude; doubt, or fear - is a falling short, a missing of the mark. As we free ourselves from this kind of thing, we are healed."
Harvey Hardman
LAW governs all mental action. When your mind moves, as in thought, the law of mind
acts. It does not refuse to act when your thought is destructive, nor does it neglect
to act when your thought is constructive and in harmony with the principles of right
action .. With infallible precision it acts to make effective your evil and your
good thoughts alike. For the mental law is impersonal and impartial. Your conscious
mind is the discriminating factor. Even as the ether of space transmits perfectly
a poor radio program as well as a good one, so does the mental law act with equal
impartiality in relation to all your thoughts and desires.
When you know that you are always dealing with an infallible Law on the mental plane,
you will govern your thoughts with scientific understanding. This is the path to
personal power. It is the Law of the Scientific Man.
Stake Your Claim
You can have true success and happiness in life if you consistently put these truths into practice in your daily living. It is your God - given duty to Stake Your Claim to peace, poise,
power, prosperity and health - and God expects you to be satisfied with nothing less. (Herman Wolhorn)
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These monthly e-zines are an additional channel for Truth. It replaces none, and enhances all. These are the echoes of Emmet Fox
and many of the founding fathers of New Thought.
Truth reveals itself to the ready mind and open heart. The action of God takes place through these messages,
and all who read them will be touched in some way. The One Mind is both the writer and the reader. Divine Ideas are its only activity.
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Carl writes: The daily Facebook statements of Truth, give me a lift in consciousness of Oneness. These
set the tone for my morning and work day. With sincere appreciation.
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